Total Quality Science
Online ISSN : 2189-3195
ISSN-L : 2189-3195
How package designs reflect the impression of the product concept
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2017 Volume 3 Issue 2 Pages 90-96


A graphic design should intuitively convey an impression of the product, and enterprises attempt to design packages that express their product concept. While designing, designers should grasp the meaning of the package design (PD) without relying on their own experience and intuition. Therefore, a method is needed that can guide designers to produce accurate impressions of product concepts. This study examines hamburger packages with “France” as the product concept, and illustrates a method for creating PDs by understanding consumer impressions of the concept and determining how to convey these impressions in the PD.
First, we collected language data on consumer impressions of a design concept. Second, we structured the language data as per human storage structure and identified groups of similar words that corresponded to the language data. Then, we conducted questionnaire surveys to evaluate the impressions of certain words, using PDs as samples. Finally, we formed an understanding of the statistical relationships between design elements and consumer impressions using score data and characteristic value of the design elements. Consequently, we now understand how to design packages that reflect the impression of a product concept in a manner consistent with consumer feelings.

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© 2017 The Japanese Society for Quality Control
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