The Journal of Japanese Society of Lumber Spine Disorders
Online ISSN : 1884-2186
Print ISSN : 1341-7355
ISSN-L : 1341-7355
Spinal block against lumbago
Akira TAKAYAMA[in Japanese][in Japanese][in Japanese][in Japanese][in Japanese]
Author information

1998 Volume 4 Issue 1 Pages 69-74


Spinal block was performed in 269 cases of lumbar disc herniation or spinal canal stenosis who responded poorly to the usual treatment including epidural or nerve block, and in 6 cases with postoperative complaints.The mean age of the cases was 54 years, and the mean duration between onset and treatment was 775 days.Spinal block was performed using 3 ml of 1% mepivacaine hydrochloride or 1% lidocaine, and the combination with dexamethazone sodium 1.9-3.8 mg was performed in 150 cases. The over-all improvement rate evaluated by subjective findings including low back pain, gait pain and intermittent claudication was 66%, and a remarkable response was obtained in all 6 cases with postoperative complaints.Seventy-three (27%) of the patients who were ineffectively treated, had surgical treatment. However their clinical assesments before spinal block showed an indication for surgery. No severe complications were observed except for mild headache noted in 2% of the patients. These results suggested that spinal block served as both therapeutic and diagnostic tools.

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