For over 70 years, the Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, know as Nogyo Kisho (農業気象) in Japan, has published original papers and review articles on the science of physical and biological processes in natural and managed ecosystems. Published topics include, but are not limited to, weather disasters, local climate, micrometeorology, climate change, soil environment, plant phenology, plant response to environmental change, crop growth and yield prediction, instrumentation, and environmental control across a wide range of managed ecosystems, from open fields to greenhouses and plant factories. We started full text HTML open release for all papers from Vol 80, issue
1 supported by
"Improvement of the quality and enhancement of international dissemination
and sustainable editing management of the Journal of Agricultural
(23HP2004)" of "Enhancement of International Dissemination of
Information - Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Results"
of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.