Educational Studies in Japan
237 registered articles
(updated on July 27, 2024)
Online ISSN : 2187-5286
Print ISSN : 1881-4832
ISSN-L : 1881-4832
About the journal

Published by Japanese Educational Research Association   

Our Editorial team
Yoshihito Ii

Osaka Metropolitan University, Professor

Tohoku University, Graduate School of Education  Ph.D (Education)
Seven tips for diversity management in education: Cases from Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Singapore(editor), Kyodosyupan, 2015.
・”Multicultural and multilingual education and minorities in school education in Australia”(Chapter 3), Education in Australia and New Zealand: Towards developing the skills and abilities to survive in the global age(Edited by Maiko AOKI and Hiroshi SATO), Toshindo, 2020.
・”Features of Schooling and Trends of Administrative and Financial Reforms in New South Wales’” Journal of Oceanian Education Studies(22), Society for Oceanian Education Studies, 2016.

Hiromi Ozaki

Toyo Eiwa University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Associate Professor

Tohoku University, Graduate School of Education, Ph.D.(Education)
・“Why Should We Discuss "Aims of Education" From the Standpoint of "Relationship"? : Focus on the Two Historical Thoughts Suggested by Theories of the "Caring" and Progressive Education”, Forum on modern education, vol.30, pp.1-12, 2021
School Was Our Life(Gakkouha Watashitachino “Yoi-Seikatsu” datta: America Kyouikushino Wasuremono),Kumiko Ikuta, Ozaki Hiromi, et al, (Translation) ,Keio University Press, 2021
Studies of Curriculum Development: Learning by Exercises(Wa-kude Manabu Kyouiku-Katei ron),Ozaki Hiromi, Gen Ito(Eds.), Nakanishiya Shuppan, 2018.

Eiichi Aoki

Professor of Political Science and Education, Graduate School of Education, Tohoku University, Japan

〇Educational Background  
Bachelor of Education, The University of Tokyo  
M.A. Education, The University of Tokyo  
Ph.D. Education, The University of Tokyo 

〇Selected Publications
・Aoki, E. [chapter author] (2016). “School Education after the Great Japan Earthquake.” in Keiichi Tsunekawa ed. Five Years After: Reassessing Japan's Responses to the Earthquake, Tsunami, and the Nuclear Disaster, 133-150. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press.
・Hori, D., Sasahara, S., Oi, Y., Doki, S., Andrea, C.-S., Takahashi, T., Shiraki, N., Ikeda, T., Ikeda, Y., Kambayashi, T., Aoki, E., & Matsuzaki, I. (2020). Relationships between insomnia, long working hours, and long commuting time among public school teachers in Japan: A nationwide cross-sectional diary study. Sleep Medicine, 75, 62–72.
・Aoki, E. (2021). Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology: Policy and Politics of Education and Science in Japan. Tokyo: Chuokoronshinsha (Published in Japanese).

Misako Nukaga

The University of Tokyo, Associate Professor

University of California, Los Angeles, Ph.D. in Sociology.
・“Growing Up in Multicultural Japan: Diversifying Educational Experiences of Immigrant Students,”(co-authored) in A. Yonezawa et. al. eds., Japanese Education in a Global Age: Sociological Reflections and Future Directions, Springer, 2018.
・“Planning for a Successful Return Home: Transnational Habitus and Education Strategies among Japanese Expatriate Mothers in Los Angeles,”International Sociology , 28(1)66-83, 2013.
・“The Kikokushijo: Negotiating Boundaries Within and Without" in R.Tsuneyoshi et al. Minorities and Multiculturalism in Japanese Education, Routledge, 2011.

Izumi Mori

Sophia University, JSPS Restart Postdoctoral Fellow

Pennsylvania State University, College of Education  Ph.D. (Educational Theory and Policy)
・ “The effect of national/private junior high school attendance on educational expectations and academic self-concept in Japan.” Journal of Educational Sociology 101, 2017.
・“Self-efficacy of Japanese students in cross-national achievement survey.” The Japanese Educational Challenge in a New Global Era: Multicultural Society from a Comparative Education Worldview (Edited by Ryoko TSUNEYOSHI and Misako NUKAGA), The University of Tokyo Press, 2021.
・ “The effect of college attendance on the first job: College degree as a route to obtaining professional jobs.” The Structure of Social Stratification in the Early-stage of Life (The Structure of Stratification in the Aged Society with Low Fertility 1) Edited by Takayasu NAKAMURA, Satoshi MIWA and Hiroshi ISHIDA), The University of Tokyo Press, 2021.

Takahiro Endo

University of Fukui, Associate Professor

Kyoto University, Graduate School of Education    Master of Education
・ “Assessment & Evaluation Supporting Educational Practice: A New Foundation for Democracy,” Koji Tanaka (ed.), History of Educational Methodology in Postwar Japan (1): Theoretical Genealogy of Curriculum and Teaching, Minerva Shobo, 2017.
・ "Practice Records as Evidence of Educational Evaluation: Between Modern Natural Scientific Proof and Experiential Reflective Grounds," Japan Society for the Study of Educational Methods (ed.), Inheritance of Educational Practice and Issues in the Study of Educational Methods (Educational Methods, 47), Toshobunka, 2018.
“Moderation as Reflective Equilibrium: Methodological Perspectives on Learning Assessment & Evaluation in the Period for Inquiry-Based Cross-Disciplinary Study in Japanese Senior High Schools,” Studies in and on Teacher Education, 15, United Graduate School for Professional Development of Teachers, University of Fukui, 2022.

Takayo Ogisu

The University of Tokyo, Associate Professor

College of Education, Michigan State University, Ph.D (Curriculum, Instruction, and Teacher Education
・Reforming Pedagogy in Cambodia: Local Construction of Global Pedagogies. Springer. 2022.
“It is not politically correct”: Exploring Tensions in Developing Student-centered Policy in Cambodia, Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education 48 (5), pp. 768-784, 2018.
・Localizing Transnational Norms in Cambodia: Cases of ESD and ASEAN Citizenship Education, Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education,, in press

Hirotaka Sugita

Hiroshima University, Associate Professor

Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Education, Ph.D (Education)
How Do Children Express Their 'Inner' in Language Games? Exploring the Possibilities of Communication with and Understanding of Other Minds through Wittgenstein’s Philosophy, Shumpusha, 2017.
‘Re-envisioning Personhood from the Perspective of Japanese Philosophy: Watsuji Tetsuro's Aidagara-based Ethics,’ Educational Philosophy and Theory, 54(9), pp. 1367-1376, 2022.
‘Language and Education,' in M. Ueno (ed.) Philosophy of Education in Dialogue between East and West: Japanese Insights and Perspectives, Routledge, pp. 92-107, 2024. 

Mayuko Horimoto

Toyo University, Associate Professor

Waseda University, Graduate School of Education,  Ph. D (Education)
Reconsidering the Approach of Social Education for Developing Women managers in the Corporate Sector, (Edited by The Japan Society for the Study of Adult and Community Education), Social Education in a Work-Life Balance Era, No. 65, Toyokansyupansya, 2021.
Japanese Women in Leadership, (Edited by Yoshie Tomozumi Nakamura, Mayuko Horimoto, and Gary N. McLean), Springer Nature, 2021.
From Tradition to Transformation: The Social Entrepreneurial Journey of Japanese Women, (co-authors), New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development, 36, 2024. 
Subject areas
  • Psychology, Education
Other relevant information
  • TitleEducational Studies in Japan
  • PublisherJapanese Educational Research Association
  • Address#102, Creart Kanda Bdg. 2-15-2, Kanda-sudacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0041, Japan
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