Nihon Rinsho Geka Gakkai Zasshi (Journal of Japan Surgical Association)
Online ISSN : 1882-5133
Print ISSN : 1345-2843
ISSN-L : 1345-2843
Volume 75, Issue 7
Displaying 51-58 of 58 articles from this issue
Case Reports
  • Takashi SENDA, Humihiko ISHIKAWA, Hideyuki OMOTO, Hiroshi NITTA, Hiros ...
    2014 Volume 75 Issue 7 Pages 2032-2036
    Published: 2014
    Released on J-STAGE: January 31, 2015
    We report a case of a solitary fibrous tumor originated in the greater omentum. A 45-years-old woman was referred to our hospital because of an abdominal mass detected through a medical check-up. Ultrasonography showed a 52-mm tumor at the right side of the descending colon. Abdominal enhanced computed tomography and abdominal angiography showed a hypervascular solid tumor and an artery branching from the right gastroepiploic artery fed the tumor. Laparoscopic surgery was conducted for a suspected mesenchymal tumor arising from the greater omentum. The hypervascular tumor was found to continue to the greater omentum partly, however, it had not infiltrated into the peritoneum and descending colon. The tumor with part of the greater omentum was removed. The resected specimen involved a multilobular grey-white tumor with the diameter of 5.5 cm. Histopathologically, the tumor consisted of spindle cells presenting a “patternless pattern”. Immunohistochemical staining was positive for CD34 and bcl-2 and negative for c-kit, S-100 protein, and desmin. The tumor was diagnosed as a solitary fibrous tumor of the greater omentum.
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  • Mitunobu TAKEDA, Yoshihito IDE, Masayoshi TOKUOKA, Yo SASAKI
    2014 Volume 75 Issue 7 Pages 2037-2042
    Published: 2014
    Released on J-STAGE: January 31, 2015
    A case of solitary fibrous tumor (SFT) in the pelvic cavity is reported. A 65-year-old man was seen at our hospital because of a large left hip swelling. CT showed a round, heterogeneously enhanced, smooth-surfaced mass compressing the rectum. No invasion was detected. Colonoscopy showed that the lower rectum was compressed from the left side, but the mucosa appeared normal. Because sarcoma or GIST was suspected, a needle biopsy was performed, and the histological diagnosis was SFT. Extirpation of the tumor through an abdominosacral approach was successfully performed without injury to the rectum. Macroscopic findings of the resected specimen showed an encapsulated, grayish white, elastic soft tumor, 9.6 × 8.5 × 5.2 cm in seize. On histological examination, the tumor was composed of spindle-shaped and oval cells, which were immunohistochemically positive for CD34 and vimentin. These findings suggested a diagnosis of SFT in the pelvic space. The patient's postoperative course was uneventful, and the patient is alive without recurrence 17 months after the excision.
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  • Daisuke ISHIOKA, Masaaki SAITO, Nobuyuki TOYAMA, Toshiki RIKIYAMA
    2014 Volume 75 Issue 7 Pages 2043-2046
    Published: 2014
    Released on J-STAGE: January 31, 2015
    A 75-year-old man underwent right hernioplasty using a mesh plug for a right inguinal hernia at another hospital in 2005. Swelling of the operative wound and purulent discharge developed in December 2010. He underwent conservative therapy at a local hospital. The swelling and purulent discharge temporarily improved ; however, these recurred after a short time. Therefore, he was referred to our department for further treatment. He was diagnosed with late-onset mesh infection ; we removed the infected mesh in June 2013. The infected plug and onlay patch were entirely removed. The spermatic cord and testicular artery and vein were preserved. The postoperative course was uneventful, and he was discharged on the 7th postoperative day. Postoperatively, no recurrence of hernia or infection had occurred. The removal of the prosthesis may be required in cases of late-onset mesh infection.
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  • Ryutaro ISODA, Ichiro MORITA, Yoko HIRABAYASHI, Takuya FUKAZAWA, Yoshi ...
    2014 Volume 75 Issue 7 Pages 2047-2050
    Published: 2014
    Released on J-STAGE: January 31, 2015
    A 57-year-old man who sustained a thigh wound during mowing was transported to our hospital. X-ray of the femur and CT showed a foreign body near the deep femoral artery. Angiography showed a pseudoaneurysm of the superficial femoral artery. Percutaneous endovascular treatment of the pseudoaneurysm with a covered stent was undertaken. Continuously, surgical removal of the foreign body was performed under general anesthesia. The removed foreign body was an old metal piece. There was little intraoperative bleeding and the postoperative progress was satisfactory.
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  • Masayuki NAKASHIMA, Yasutomo NAGASUE, Eiji TANAKA, Koji HAYASHI, Hiros ...
    2014 Volume 75 Issue 7 Pages 2051-2056
    Published: 2014
    Released on J-STAGE: January 31, 2015
    A 77-year-old man visited the Department of Urology at our hospital in December 2012 with a chief complaint of hematuria. Abdominal computed tomography (CT) showed a well-defined tumor, 4 cm in size, on the left side of the pelvis dorsal to the internal iliac vein. On abdominal contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the tumor was hypointense on T1-weighted imaging and hyperintense with different signal intensities between the margin and interior on T2-weighted imaging. In addition, findings suggested continuity with the left S1 nerve, suggesting a schwannoma, and in April 2013, the tumor was resected laparoscopically. On pathological examination, the diagnosis was benign schwannoma. Postoperatively, the patient complained of mild numbness and pain in the left leg, but these improved with administration of anti-inflammatory analgesics. As of nine months postoperatively, no complication or recurrence has been seen. Schwannomas occurring in the pelvic peritoneum or the lateral lymph node region are rare. The present case, in which laparoscopic resection was successfully performed for a schwannoma that developed in the lateral lymph node region, is reported with reference to the literature.
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