The effects of prostaglandins (PGs) on the development of mouse embryo in vitro was examined. Four cell embryos were obtained from mice after mating following PMS-hCG treatment. The embryos were cultured in the mBWW under 5% CO
2 in air at 37° with indomethacin (IND), PG (E
2, F
2α, I
2)(0-200 μM) and adenosine 3', 5'-cyclicmonophosphathiate sp-isomer (Sp-cAMPS), and the subsequent development of embryos was observed. In the control, 77-87% of 4-cell embryos developed to blastocysts (BL). BL formation was suppressed to 57.1 and 25% by 5 and 10 μM of PGE
2, 52.3% by 100 μM of IND, 25% by 50 μM of PGF
2α, while 200 μM of PGI
2 showed no effect. Sp-cAMPS also suppressed BL formation, but BL formation of these embryos was observed after release from Sp-cAMPS. These results indicate that PGs have a suppressive effect on the develoment of early mouse embryo, and PGE
2 was most effective among the agents used in this stydy. Sp-cAMPS also showed some effect, but its effect was seemed to be different from that of PGs.
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