Journal of Rural Planning Studies
Online ISSN : 2436-0775
Current issue
Displaying 1-2 of 2 articles from this issue
  • Based on A Questionnaire Survey of “Shonai, The Food Capital of Japan” Cooperative Restaurants
    Aofei CHEN, Tomoumi FUJISHINA, Mizuiki NAKAJIMA
    2025 Volume 5 Issue 1 Pages 1-8
    Published: 2025
    Released on J-STAGE: January 25, 2025

    This study investigates the changes in the use of local ingredients, customer traffic, and attitudes of the owners of restaurants after participating in the “Shonai, the Food Capital of Japan” initiatives, targeting the Shonai area, a region that has promoted regional revitalization through food. Results of a questionnaire survey of restaurants registered as “Shonai, the Food Capital of Japan” cooperative restaurants, the restaurants use a large amount of local agricultural products from Shonai, but the use of local marine products and livestock products from Shonai is relatively low, and there is room to increase their use in the future. While some restaurant owners do not feel that the registration has attracted more customers or increased sales, it has had a certain effect on not only their own interest in agriculture in the Shonai region but also their willingness to increase their use of local food ingredients. To increase the awareness of restaurant owners who wish to use Shonai food products to enhance the local economy, further promotional efforts by the government and closer ties with local producers are considered important.

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  • Results of a Questionnaire Survey Targeting Students, Faculty, and Staff of the Faculty of Agriculture
    Honoka TAHARA, Takafumi OISHI
    2025 Volume 5 Issue 1 Pages 9-16
    Published: 2025
    Released on J-STAGE: January 25, 2025

    In this study, we examined the feasibility of introducing Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) into university-regional cooperation through an internet-based questionnaire survey of university students, faculty, and staff of the Faculty of Agriculture. Analysis of the response data showed that although awareness of CSA was low and experience participating in CSA was limited, there was a tendency to evaluate CSA as a good initiative for university-regional cooperation. In addition, a variety of items were selected as reasons for evaluating CSA as a good initiative for university-regional cooperation, including the advancement of agricultural education. Furthermore, ordered logistic regression analysis showed that the willingness to pay for CSA membership fees was associated with occupation and various experiences (home delivery, farm work), interest in food, awareness of CSA, evaluation of CSA as an initiative for promoting university-regional cooperation, and intention to participate in activities other than purchasing agricultural products through CSA. Through this analysis of evaluations by students, faculty, and staff of the Faculty of Agriculture, who are thought to have a relatively high interest in university-regional cooperation related to agriculture and rural areas, we obtained results that suggest the feasibility of introducing CSA into university-regional cooperation.

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