Subject areas
- Chemistry
- Biology, Life Sciences and Basic Medicine
- Agriculture and Food Sciences
- General Medicine, Social Medicine, and Nursing Sciences
- Dentistry
- Engineering in General
- Nanosciences and Materials Sciences
- Architecture and Civil Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Information Sciences
- Interdisciplinary Sciences
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Browse by volume and issue
JSME International Journal Series C Mechanical Systems, Machine Elements and Manufacturing
JSME International Journal Series B Fluids and Thermal Engineering
JSME International Journal Series A Solid Mechanics and Material Engineering
JSME international journal. Ser. C, Dynamics, control, robotics, design and manufacturing
JSME international journal. Ser. 3, Vibration, control engineering, engineering for industry
JSME international journal. Ser. 2, Fluids engineering, heat transfer, power, combustion, thermophysical properties
JSME international journal. Ser. A, Mechanics and material engineering
JSME international journal. Ser. 1, Solid mechanics, strength of materials
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