Nihon Reoroji Gakkaishi
For the communication among the members, the journal of the Society of Rheology Japan, NIHON REOROJI GAKKAISHI (5 issues per year), was 
established in 1973 and it is the oldest journal on rheology in Asia. The journal contains original and review articles on rheology and related topics, information for all SRJ events, and reports of domestic/overseas meetings. Articles in Japanese as well as in English are considered for publication, not only from the members but also from the researchers outside. Papers from new emerging areas of the field are particularly welcome. The electronic version of the articles is available via the internet with an open access policy. NIHON REOROJI GAKKAISHI received 2023 Journal Impact Factor of 1.3.

Ethical Policy 
The author (s) is responsible for ensuring that the submitted manuscript has not been already published or it is not currently under consideration for publication in other places. The review and feature articles may include some contents extracted from the earlier publications by explicit citations and permissions from the copyright holders. The editorial committee conducts plagiarism checking for submitted manuscripts, and we decline the manuscript for publication if the result does not fit our criterion. The manuscript-submission must be approved by all the co-authors and the responsible authorities before the submission, and the corresponding author is responsible for the appropriate authorship. The authors must declare the conflict of interest in the text if any. The editorial committee usually invites reviewers for peer-review for the evaluation of the manuscript, although the editorial committee is responsible for the publication. Copyright is transferred to the publisher when the manuscript is accepted for publication. Even after the release, owing to the transferred copyright, the editorial committee retains the right to retract the published papers when we encounter the ethical problems including plagiarism, insufficient cross-referencing, unethical research, unreliable results and misconducted research. The editorial committee also has the right to issue an erratum, a retraction note, or an expression of concern to the specific literature. 

Manuscript Types
Contributions may be submitted as Original Articles, Feature Articles, Rapid Communications, Notes or Reviews. Original Articles are full-length to be considered as a complete publication of original, unpublished results within six printed pages. Feature Articles are publications summarizing a superior achievement by a research group related to rheology presented within eight printed pages, usually invitation basis. Rapid Communications should be preliminary reports of unusual urgency, significance, and interest presented within two printed pages. Authors submitting the reports should identify them as such and explain why they merit rapid publication. Notes are publications of original, unpublished results by shorter articles within two printed pages. They should include unexpected or novel results and technologies related to rheology. Review articles should be concise reports on the progress and the current situation for specific topics within 10 pages. 

Manuscript Preparation
The manuscript should be electronically prepared, typed double space throughout, and on A4 size with margins at least 2.5 cm on all sides. High-quality typesettings with a font size of 12 pt are required. All pages should be numbered consecutively. The order of the manuscripts should be the title, author(s) and full affiliation(s), abstract (within 200 words), keywords (within five words), main text including figures and tables and references. 
Note that the abstract should be a summary of the entire paper, not the conclusions alone. Also, note that the abstract is not necessary for Rapid Communication. Sequences of tables, charts, and schemes should be numbered with Arabic numerals. The main text should include an introduction, theory, experimental section, results, discussion, and conclusion. Headings and subheadings for different sections of the papers should be used and identified. If each section needs to be numbered, a sequence such as 2., 2.1., 2.1.1., etc. should be used. Figures, photos and/or tables must be embedded in the text. Authors are cautioned to type all mathematical and chemical symbols, equations, and formulas. Vectors and tensors should be set in boldface. Symbols for scalar quantities should be set in italic. The equation should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals in parentheses on the right-hand side of the page. All measurements and data should be given in SI units. The format of reference must be uniform and consistent with those found in a typical issue of the journal. They should be numbered consecutively in the order of their appearance. All publications cited in the text should be presented in a list of references following the text of the manuscript. Abbreviations of journal titles should be conformed to the practice of Chemical Abstracts. Note the following examples:
1) Newton TW, Dolezel FB, J Phys Chem67, 1425 (1963). 
2) Hakata N, Nihon Reoroji Gakkaishi (J Soc Rheol Jpn), 27, 18 (1998). 
3) Ferry JD, “Viscoelastic Properties of Polymers”, 3rd ed, (1980), John Wile & Sons Inc, NY. 
4) Nakauma M, Funami T, in “Food Hydrocolloids Functionalities and Applications”, Fang Y, Zhang H, Nishinari K (Eds), 445, (2021), Springer Nature, Singapore.
5) Osaki K, “Reoroji no Sekai”, (2004), Kogyo Chosakai Publishing, Tokyo (in Japanese). 
6) Ianniruberto G, Brasiello A, Marrucci G, Proc 7th Annu Euro Rheol Conf 61 (2011). 
7) Nemoto Y, US Patent 54, 830. 1998-05-23. 
8) Japanese Industrial Standard Z8803 (1991).

After the acceptance, for the proof production, the authors will be requested to submit the electronic data of the final version of the manuscript with the original drawings and photographs, which must be in 9cm width with more than 300dpi resolution. All the figures will be processed in their original color for the electronic version. Meanwhile, if the authors wish the color reproduction for the printed version, it will be available if the author is willing to bear the additional incremental reproduction and printing cost.

The manuscript must be prepared electronically and submitted via the web system: ,where PDF, MS-WORD and LaTex formats will be accepted. 

This journal does not charge the authors for publishing articles and the electronic version of the journal is available via the internet free of charge. However, authors will be asked for donations to maintain the journal publication.
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Online ISSN : 2186-4586
Print ISSN : 0387-1533
ISSN-L : 0387-1533
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