Research Journal of Sports Performance
Online ISSN : 2187-1787
Volume 15, Issue SpecialContribution2023
Special Contribution 2023
Displaying 1-2 of 2 articles from this issue
  • [in Japanese]
    2023 Volume 15 Issue SpecialContribution2023 Pages 1-
    Published: 2023
    Released on J-STAGE: December 27, 2023
  • [in Japanese]
    2023 Volume 15 Issue SpecialContribution2023 Pages 2-12
    Published: 2023
    Released on J-STAGE: December 27, 2023
    The purpose of this study was to clarify the daily and age-related changes in physical information (body weight, blood pressure, physical condition, etc.) of former sports-college president (subj FT) over a 20-year period from age 60 to 80, and to observe the relationship between physical condition (joint pain, fatigue, etc.) and physical exercise (CHOKIN-Exercise). The results showed that 1) mental stress caused by the death of FTʻs spouse or the relationship troubles in college accompanied by elevated blood pressure, 2) there was a highly significant correlation between body weight and waist circumference, indicating that a 1 kg increase or decrease in body weight was accompanied by a 1 cm increase or decrease in waist circumference, 3) body weight/waist circumference ratio (an index of Lean Body Mass) of FT was higher +2 SD than that of most Japanese men of the same age group, which is considered due to CHOKIN-Exercise. 4) The number of days of feeling unwell caused by joint pain or other physical problems decreased at the ages of 64 to 69 and after the age of 77, which reason was considered due to the daily stretching. 5) The fact that subject FT could continue to play more than 100 rounds per year of golf at such elderly as 78-80 years of age was considered due to the stretching and physical training conducted while constantly checking his own physical information.
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