Journal of Household Economics
Online ISSN : 2424-1288
Print ISSN : 1341-7347
ISSN-L : 1341-7347
Volume 19
Displaying 1-34 of 34 articles from this issue
Study Convention Articles
  • Katsuko Okubo
    Article type: Article
    2004 Volume 19 Pages 7-20
    Published: March 30, 2004
    Released on J-STAGE: November 30, 2016
    The style of the over spending that has been formed in the process of the economic growth causes serious problems not only for environment and resources but also for the life of our family. If they were caught at the same time, it is thought that it will be able to change the mass-production, mass-consumption and mass-scrapping system. From the macro-point of view, state regulations and activities are being developed. However, there are few effect, so, in this paper, from the consumers point, I would like to propose a few things through the study of the modern consumption patterns, the element of which are made of "life means", "time use" and "life consciousness".
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  • Yuko Ozaki
    Article type: Article
    2004 Volume 19 Pages 21-34
    Published: March 30, 2004
    Released on J-STAGE: November 30, 2016
    The purpose of this paper is to address the focus on factors regarding the pet ownership. When we checked the difference of the income level, the number of family member, the housing condition, and the ratio of urban/rural residence between such two groups as "pet owners" and "non owners", there was a statistically significant difference on all of the four factors. When we applied a logistic model on pet ownership, we found that number of family member has a positive effect while the existence of the child of six years old or less has negative effects. However, when we split the data according to the family type, we observed that the effect of number of family member varied depending on family types. As a result, we confirmed that, especially in the group of "parents and grown-up children", the pets would have a function as a substitution of small children.
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  • Koji Kanagawa
    Article type: Article
    2004 Volume 19 Pages 35-46
    Published: March 30, 2004
    Released on J-STAGE: November 30, 2016
    Distribution of the organic products in Japan has been advanced by the producer-consumer collaboration movement which started in the 1970s. However, while the demand over organic products is expanded and the distribution channel is diversified collaboration movement has been declined. The standard on condition of general market dealings and a certification system are also considered to be required measures for stable supply to the consumer of organic products. However, the producer-consumer collaboration movement is value creative and there is a secondary effect to environmental movement. For this reason, after clarifying the positioning, we should hold the certain role of the movement. In addition, introduction of new organization systems, such as a multi-stakeholder type cooperative, whose producer and consumer can control to activities should be raquired.
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  • Naomi Suzuki
    Article type: Article
    2004 Volume 19 Pages 47-63
    Published: March 30, 2004
    Released on J-STAGE: November 30, 2016
    The argument about 'Welfare mix' has been paid attention, because 'market failure', 'government failure' and 'voluntary failure' have been pointed with the progress of socialization of childcare and care for the old etc. There are two purposes in this study. One is to show the actual condition of social activities of local governmental officers' couples. The other is to analyze what work they spend time on the work means the paid work, the household work and the social activities. The data used for analyzing is from the survey of local governmental officers' couples working in the metropolitan area. The results are as follows; their participation rate in the social activities was high and there were lots of full time double-income couples. In addition, the full time double-income couples shared their household work. Therefore, it was suggested that they talked with each other and undertook the role of paid-work and unpaid-work.
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  • Chikako Maruyama
    Article type: Article
    2004 Volume 19 Pages 65-74
    Published: March 30, 2004
    Released on J-STAGE: November 30, 2016
    As part of the on-going search for new consumer rights/affairs policies suitable for the era of the 21^<st> Century, one of the major topics currently being investigated by many consumer organizations is the type of basic roles that they should begin to play related to representing consumers and promoting the interests of consumers. The research described in this report was focused on nonproft organizations (NPOs) and on investigating recent trends in the activities of these consumer organizations. The results of the research indicate that consumer groups that have already attained the legal status of corporations tended to be newly formed consumer groups and that the acquisition of this status tended to involve their activities that were directly related to recent, specific government policies affecting consumer rights and interests. In the case of these consumer groups, it is widely anticipated that they will become more directly and more deeply involved with government policies that affect consumer interests. When this factor is taken into consideration, it can be surmised that it is likely that these consumer groups that have such aims are likely to become the core organizations of the consumer rights movement in the coming years.
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  • Hirobumi Akagi
    Article type: Article
    2004 Volume 19 Pages 75-89
    Published: March 30, 2004
    Released on J-STAGE: November 30, 2016
    The purpose of this paper is to empirically test the efficiency of sectoral public capital formulation, particularly which improves the national welfare. In the first half of this paper, we theoretically investigated the relationship between the efficiency condition of public goods provision and property value of residential land. In the latter half of this paper, the efficiency of sectoral public investment was empirically analyzed by employing panel data. The main conclusions of this empirical analysis are as follows. First, the evaluations of community road, city planning scheme and sewage system are high. Especially, community road is undersupplied in all area. On the other hand, city planning scheme and sewage system are undersupplied in metropolitan areas, but they are not necessary undersupplied in rural areas. Second, the evaluations of these livelihood public investments decreases after the first half of the 90's.
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  • Goh Ohtani
    Article type: Article
    2004 Volume 19 Pages 91-105
    Published: March 30, 2004
    Released on J-STAGE: November 30, 2016
    We investigate how allocative ability affected the diffusion of home electrical appliances, in particular, refrigerators, washing machines, and vacuum cleaners, in Japan. Allocative ability has not been analyzed adequately. This ability is the ability to recognize various feasible production technologies, then to al locate factors of production such as time, auong economic activities, so as to achieve eff icient production. Moreover, this ability appears to be increased by education. In other words, those who are more educated can better comprehend the efficiency of new goods and can be more flexible to change their lifestyle, and therefore they adopt new goods more rapidly than those with less education. The procedure of the analysis is as follows. First, for each prefecture we estimate rates of diffusion for refrigerators, washing machines, and vacuum cleaners, and using the estimated rate of diffusion we est imate the year of initial diffusion for each product for each prefecture. Next, we analyze allocative ability using the estimated rate of di ffusion and estimated year of initial diffusion as explained variables and the level of education for women among other iteus as explanatory variables. The results show that in prefectures with higher levels of female education, the year of initial diffusion was earlier and the rate of diffusion was greater than in other prefectures. These results support the effect of allocative ability.
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  • Hisao Kumamoto
    Article type: Article
    2004 Volume 19 Pages 107-119
    Published: March 30, 2004
    Released on J-STAGE: November 30, 2016
    This paper investigates the effects of intergenerational transfers, public intergenerational transfer and private intergenerational transfer, on the environment and shows that these transfers are effective ways to resolve deterioration on the environment and intergenerational inequity. We obtain a result that when the government employs a public intergenerational transfer like a pay-as-you-go social security scheme, it is shown that the Pareto-improving allocation can be achieved in a market economy. Besides, the Pareto-improving allocation can be also achieved in the market economy in which individuals have a bequest motive in the form of altruistic model. Moreover, the allocation when the government employs a public intergenerational transfer like the pay-as-you-go social security scheme, is identical to that achieved in the market economy where individuals have the bequest motive in the form of altruistic model. Furthermore, we can prove that the optimal allocation can be achieved by the social security program, if private intergenerational transfers in the form of altruistic model are present. We also show that the results have important implications for policies such as construction of environment-conscious social security system and promotion of environmental education.
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  • Etsuko Saito, Haruko Amano, Reiko Matsubaguchi
    Article type: Article
    2004 Volume 19 Pages 121-132
    Published: March 30, 2004
    Released on J-STAGE: November 30, 2016
    This paper contrasts married couples perceptions of unpaid work with local currency theory. To evaluate unpaid work, many researchers adopt the monetary evaluation method. The monetary evaluation method has the subjects nominate a fictitious sum of money to represent how much they think unpaid work is worth. This method is not realistic, because it does not take into consideration time spent or work done by unpaid workers, who are generally women. This study uses local currency theories on time and work as a base to evaluate unpaid workers worth. We conducted a time use survey of working couples residing in Tokyo, 2000. The survey questionnaire was based on local currency theory. We clarified a relationship between the subject's evaluation of local currency theory and their unpaid work and time. The main results from this study were 1) Most important factor about the evaluation of unpaid work was the wives' employment type; 2) The husband of full-time employed wives evaluated unpaid work highly.
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  • Koichiro Sawano
    Article type: Article
    2004 Volume 19 Pages 133-145
    Published: March 30, 2004
    Released on J-STAGE: November 30, 2016
    The aim of this paper is to analysis determinants of airline fare. We set a panel date (11 routes, April 1987-March 2002) and estimate the fare function. Our main results, especially NAHA-HANEDA route, are as follows: (1) the 1997's tax advantage in Okinawa district (1anding fee, charge for flight information, and petroleum oil tax) certainly lowered its fare, but (2) the 2000's airline deregulation reversely heightened it. In conclusion, the airline deregulation has the impact of fare increasing in Okinawa tourism.
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  • Ryuichi Shigeno
    Article type: Article
    2004 Volume 19 Pages 147-158
    Published: March 30, 2004
    Released on J-STAGE: November 30, 2016
    The main purpose of this paper is to explain why the "simplification" has occurred in Japanese food consumption. This study employs a demand analysis model that did not assume that the time required for food consumption and the demand for commodities were separable, and applied it to time series data from 1965 to 1997 in Japan. The model was based on household production theory, and used the AI demand system as its functional form. The findings can be summarized as follows. Estimates of the demand system showed that the time required for food consumption and the demand for commodities are inseparable. The substitute and complementarity relationships between the time required for food consumption and each commodity were identified. Increases in capital stock for cooking contributed to the decrease in the share of expenditures accounted for by the time required for food consumption, and to increasing the share of expenditures accounted for by prepared foods, FAFH, and dairy products.
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  • Yoshio Takigawa
    Article type: Article
    2004 Volume 19 Pages 159-169
    Published: March 30, 2004
    Released on J-STAGE: November 30, 2016
    The conclusion of this paper is that to give the elderly Japanese the characteristic of lacking borrowing opportunities is misleading and the "house rich, income poor" fact findings are in fact consistent with the existing economic theory about liquidity constraints and assets choice. Elderly Japanese are unable to be classified as lacking in borrowing opportunities, because they are not facing liquidity constraints by "reverse mortgage internalization" and they are "house rich." The political implications of this paper are that internal borrowing opportunities are marketed by reverse mortgage and that the aging of the population structure overcomes the structurally low level of consumption expenditure by the liquidation of rich housing.
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  • Hiroko Honda
    Article type: Article
    2004 Volume 19 Pages 171-179
    Published: March 30, 2004
    Released on J-STAGE: November 30, 2016
    During the era of major structural change such as the transition from the central planned economy to market economy, I am interested in some problems people face in their households. In this paper I would like to introduce data about Hungary from preceding research and papers to present the situation of household savings. In the 1990s, the structure of financial institutions in Hungary changed and began to adapt the economic activity in market economy. The financial surroundings for the households changed suddenly due to the reform of social security system. In the data of the second half of the 1990s, there are some changes in income class, region and the age of the head of a household, as to the income differentials. Hungarian economic performance was very remarkable during that period and the household savings were improved. From the standpoint of domestic financial mobilization for the economic development in Hungary, one major subject is to adjust the financial system so it targets not only the few rich class people but also middle class.
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  • Misa Morita, Shunsuke Nagashima
    Article type: Article
    2004 Volume 19 Pages 181-191
    Published: March 30, 2004
    Released on J-STAGE: November 30, 2016
    This paper discusses the issues related to Life-Career Feminism. It is an approach to materialize RFWKS (Reproductive Feminism with Kids) . In this paper, Life means physical and reproductive existence (vital life), social and economical existence (living), wisdom and mindful existence (life-long). Women's quality of life should be developed in relation to their total balance. Little attention has been given to the studies with this perspective. "Equality", "fairness", and "justice" should be discussed on condition that every single elements of Life is essential one for women. And this perspective is also needed for men. These should be set as common sense for facilitating conditions before building co-living society.
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  • Hiroko Oe
    Article type: Article
    2004 Volume 19 Pages 193-224
    Published: March 30, 2004
    Released on J-STAGE: November 30, 2016
    Over the last 180 years, the post office network has been functioning not only as a service provider but also as local focal points in the communities. The purpose of this paper is to show the potential for the post office network in revitalising local communities in Japan. It consists of three parts: 1. The first part surveys various policies to tackle financial exclusion and revitalise deprived areas in the United Kingdom. It highlights the role of venture capital funds and examines some typical area-targeted policies in the UK. 2. The second part surveys various basic financial services, such as lifeline banking and other community supportive funding systems. The potential of micro finance in particular is examined. 3. Moving away from an emphasis on central and local government targets to solve social exclusion issues and co-operation between the public and private sectors, part three covers the concept of social capital. It looks at how the post office network, as a member of civil society, should seek ways to contribute to the community, invigorate deprived areas and help solve the problem of social exclusion.
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Short Articles
  • Michihiko Tokoro
    Article type: Article
    2004 Volume 19 Pages 225-233
    Published: March 30, 2004
    Released on J-STAGE: November 30, 2016
    This paper examines Japanese family policy based on findings from an international study project (SPRU, York, UK) - A Comparison of Child Benefit Packages in 22 countries: 2001. This study compares the structures and levels of 'support packages' of tax benefits, tax allowances, cash benefits, the costs of child care and school, and other social services in kind by using 'model family micro-simulation method', which shows how different types of families are treated by the tax and benefit systems in each country. There are variations in structures and levels of these tax and benefits packages. Japanese packages are not generous in terms of support levels compared to other nations. Many of them are currently reconstructing the tax and benefit systems but there are some differences in the backgrounds of family policy in 22 countries. It is important for Japan to review own packages as whole to provide financial support for family with children.
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  • Osamu Murata, Tatsuya Goto
    Article type: Article
    2004 Volume 19 Pages 235-243
    Published: March 30, 2004
    Released on J-STAGE: November 30, 2016
    The purpose of this paper is to show whether the Debt Neutrality Proposition stand up or not in Japan. First of all, we survey the literature on the empirical studies of Debt Neutrality Proposition on Japan, and classify the literature into four categories. The first is concerned with macro consumption function (Consumption Function approach). The second category of the literature is about the demand function for wealth (Wealth demand Function approach). The third is the literature which focuses on the consumption function, that is based on the Euler equation which Aschauer has derived (Euler Function approach). The fourth is concerned with the consumption function which is based on Blanchard and Weil model (Blanchard and Weil approach). We investigate the literature carefully, and adopt the Consumption Function approach and the Wealth demand Function approach. Especially, from the standard IS-LM model, we derived the condition for which the Debt Neutrality Proposition does stand up. Main results of the estimates are as follows. The Debt Neutrality Proposition does not come into existence in Japan until 1990. However, in recent years after 1990, the Debt Neutrality Proposition does stand up.
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  • Nobuaki Nanchi
    Article type: Article
    2004 Volume 19 Pages 245-254
    Published: March 30, 2004
    Released on J-STAGE: November 30, 2016
    This paper analyzes the business relationship between Community Banks and small firms by focussing on the economics of financing small business. Community Bauks play a critical role in the small business finance as information producers who can assess the management quality of small firms through the activities of screening, contracting, and monitoring. In this way Community Banks solve asymmetric information problems and obtain negotiation power against small firms. Nevertheless in Japan there is not accurate evidence that Community Banks make efforts for lending business to be profitable. We will describe several distinctive features and problems in the business relationship between Community Banks and small firms, and suggest the solution of problems.
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  • Kaiyu Yang, Masayuki Sakaguchi
    Article type: Article
    2004 Volume 19 Pages 255-265
    Published: March 30, 2004
    Released on J-STAGE: November 30, 2016
    This paper will focus on the health care reform in China from the perspective of service provision. The introduction of health care insurances, which designed to encourage competitions amongst service providers, requires considerable changes in service provision system. Although the public medical insurance system was implemented in 2000, it remains to be seen whether the level of coverage can be set at appropriate level. Also, it is not easy to separate medical service from pharmacy service, which has traditionally been an important financial source for service providers. There are some possibilities of unnecessary treatments or prescribing medicines if the practitioners are not secured enough incomes under the new medical insurance systems. However, the government needs to keep social expenditures on health care. These will eventually lead to higher service charges on service users. Keeping the cost without reducing qualities of health care services is a next major task for the Chinese policy makers.
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  • Nobuyoshi Yamori
    Article type: Article
    2004 Volume 19 Pages 267-274
    Published: March 30, 2004
    Released on J-STAGE: November 30, 2016
    Japanese Deposit Insurance Corporation (DIC) has provided the deposit insurance since 1971. The Deposit Insurance Act allowed the DIC to protect the full values of deposit, only when its depositor has less than 10 million yen in deposits. However, the law was amended in 1996, and the DIC was authorized to protect not only all depositors, but also all creditors. Although some argued that depositors' bank runs and financial panics did not occur due to this blanket insurance, other economists criticized that the moral hazard of depositors became serious due to this blanket insurance and proposed its abolishment. This paper considers whether the abolishment of the blanket insurance is appropriate for current Japanese economic conditions, by studying the details of deposit insurance systems of the United States, Korea, and Germany. This paper finds that (1) the effective coverage provided by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (i.e., the U.S. deposit insurance) is larger than what is considered in Japan, (2) the United States and Korea started the limited protection scheme after the banking problems were almost solved, and (3) Germany still provides the blanket insurance, but does not suffer from the moral hazard problem.
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