1. Fouling communities developed on the test panels were investigated during the period from January 1981 to July 1981 in Tungnyang Bay, Korea.
2. The fouling assemblages consisted of representatives of seven phyla and about 34 species, as follows: 8 polychaetous annelids, 8 crustaceans, 7 mollusks, 6 coelenterates, 2 bryozoans, and 2 others.
3. Amphipod crustaceans were the earliest and most abundant settling foulers. They were composed of three caprellids and three tube-building gammarid amphipods.
4. The unexpectedly high abundance of amphipod crustaceans presumably resulted from the high turbidity. Therefore, the concentration of suspended solids in the study area may play a major role in determining the variability of the amphipod populations in a state of initial colonization of the fouling assemblages.
5. Polychaetes (nereids and polynoids), mollusks, and other fouling organisms including hydroids, actinians, bryozoans, turbellarians, and nemertineans were lately represented in July 1981.
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