Online ISSN : 1884-4928
Print ISSN : 0288-1012
ISSN-L : 0288-1012
渡辺 幸男宮田 隆楠 公仁引間 徹池田 克已山崎 洋治佐々木 修二佐相 一夫菅沼 信夫
ジャーナル フリー

1984 年 3 巻 2 号 p. 164-173


The purpose of this study was to evaluate dentifrices containing sodium chloride and anti-inflammatory agents on the improvement of periodontal disease.
Ninety four subjects which included patients with gingivitis or marginal periodontitis were divided into 3 groups: Group 1, Dentifrice containing 10% sodium chloride and 0.05% tranexamic acid (Dentifrice T1) ; Group 2, Dentifrice containing 10% sodium chloride, 0.03% ε-amino caproic acid and 0.05% dipostassium glycyrrhizinate (Dentifrice T2) ; Group 3, Dentifrice containing 9% sodium chloride, 0.03% ε-amino caproic acid and 0.03% aluminium chlorihydroxy allantoinate (Dentifrice T3) .
Tooth-brushing was performed by all subjects twice a day for four weeks. The clinical observation was performed with respect to redness, swelling, bleeding, pus discharge and pocket depth.
The results were summarized as follows:
1) Dentifrice T1was significantly superior to dentifrice T3in the improvement of bleeding (p<0.10) and pus discharge (p<0.01) .
2) Dentifrice T2 was significantly superior to dentifrice T3 in the improvement of pus discharge (p<0.01) and pocket depth (p<0.05) .
3) Noparticular side effect was observed through this clinical study.

© 日本歯科薬物療法学会
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