Archivum histologicum japonicum
Print ISSN : 0004-0681
藤田 尚男加納 睦巳岡本 幸子
ジャーナル フリー

1958 年 14 巻 1 号 p. 61-77


The colloid production in the thyroid follicular cells of non-treated and adrenalin-injected domestic fowls was observed in the electron microscope.
In non-treated animals the area of the endoplasmic reticulums occupied about 20-40% of that of the cytoplasma on an average. The internal cavities of these reticulums were filled with a homogeneous substance of the same electron density as the colloid in the follicles. The endoplasmic reticulums were considerably increased in number and size in 2 hours after the injection of adrenalin and became to occupy about 60-80% of the whole area of the cytoplasma on an average, while the small particles (being composed of RNA) on the outer surface of them were reduced.
The mitochondria, oval and elongated, were usually situated in the neighbourhood of the surfaces of the reticulums, and sometimes deeply in the bay made by the folding of them. The arrangement of the cristae mitochondriales was remarkably disturbed after the injection of adrenalin. The colloid in the thyroidal follicular cells is therefore probably produced in the endoplasmic reticulum with the aid of the mitochondria.

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