Asian Pacific Journal of Disease Management
Online ISSN : 1882-3130
ISSN-L : 1882-3130
Factors Associated with the Degradation of Dependency Level among the Slightly Frail Aged in a Japanese Community
Shinya MatsudaKenshi HayashidaTatsuhiko KuboYoshihisa Fujino
ジャーナル フリー

2010 年 4 巻 4 号 p. 89-93


In order to investigate the appropriateness of the health promotion program targeting to the slightly frail aged, the authors analyzed the data of 5,193 aged who received the screening test for dependency in 2008. After calculating the descriptive statistics for basic characteristics, such as age, sex, and results of screening test, the factor associated with degradation of dependency level were analyzed by a logistic regression model. If a person becomes a user of LTCI covered services, this person is evaluated as “become dependent”. Higher age category, male, bad mobility score, higher tendency to stay indoors (Tojikomori) and bad dementia score were detected as statistically significant risk factors in the current study. It is interesting that use of preventive services was detected as a risk factor of degradation of dependency level. Mismatch of expectation of users and organized services, supply side induced demand and mismatch between LTCI eligibility assessment and 25-items screening test were considered as possible reasons. In order to ameliorate the effectiveness of program, it is necessary to reconsider the content of screening test and preventive services.

© 2010 Japan Society of Health Support Science
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