Asian Pacific Journal of Disease Management
Online ISSN : 1882-3130
ISSN-L : 1882-3130
Refinement of DPC classification of psychiatric disorders
Shinya MatsudaKeiji MuramatsuKenji FujimoriTatsuhiko KuboHiromasa HoriguchiKiyohide Fushim
キーワード: DPC, Psychiatric care, GAF score, ADL, PCS
ジャーナル フリー

2014 年 7 巻 1-2 号 p. 7-12


In order to extend the applied field of casemix based evaluation system to psychiatric care, the authors have analyzed the resource consumption of patients of whom main diagnosis was psychiatric disorders. The DPC data (April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012) of 37,598 cases from 900 hospitals was used for the analysis. In order to focus on the acute cases, the analyzed cases were limited to those with 90 length of stay (LOS) and less. The differences in LOS were compared according to the ADL level at admission, GAF score at admission, sex, age category (15 years old and less, between 16 and 64, 65 years old and more) and experience of isolated hospitalization. The results have clarified that GAF score at admission, experiences of isolated hospitalization, 65 years old and more and specific care by psychiatrist. The above mentioned factors are not used for classification logic of the current DPC system. In order to expand the application area of DPC based patient grouping, it is recommended to elaborate the grouping logic according to the results of this study.

© 2013, Japan Society of Health Support Science
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