Asian Pacific Journal of Disease Management
Online ISSN : 1882-3130
ISSN-L : 1882-3130
A life ability and care experience of the care family of the dementia elderly person who lives at home
Hiromi KimuraMidori NishioHiroko KukiharaKayoko KogaYuriko Inou
ジャーナル フリー

2020 年 9 巻 1-2 号 p. 1-8


The authors clarified quality of life from life ability and care experience of families that had dementia elderly. We discussed on supporting methods for improving their quality of life. We applied simplified family life ability assessment scale, and performed semi-structural interview for their care experience based on the interview guide for the ten families taking care of their at-home dementia elderly. As a result, four categories, which are [Influence on mental health with the care], [Family's lack of care support], [Sense of separateness of the caregiver holds], [Sense of separateness of the caregiver holds] and [Support of the care staff and appearances] have been extracted from the “star type” families. From the “box type” family, [Physical fatigue and mental fatigue with the care], [Uneasiness of the future of the care], [Heavy responsibility for the care of the caregiver], [Care role of the family] and [Care giver's shake of social support utilization] have been extracted. From the “full-moon type” family, [Family life with the dementia elderly person], [Good relation between the person with dementia elderly person and the family members], [Mutual support between the family] and [Family understands social support utilization] have been extracted. 13 categories were extracted.The result suggested that for the care experience according to the life ability pattern of the family who cares at home for a dementia elderly person, It is lacking in the physical health problem of the care family and the care support of the family, and when role allotment is not carried out smoothly the care support system was not set, and a care family felt uneasiness of the future, and the isolated thing that I knew was suggested.

© 2020, Japan Society of Health Support Science