APU Journal of Language Research
Online ISSN : 2432-1389
Print ISSN : 2432-1370
ISSN-L : 2432-1370
Developing a Pilot Learner Corpus: New Directions in Writing Instruction
Anthony Diaz
Author information

2019 Volume 4 Pages 84-

The collection of learnersʼ writings or speech for comprehensive analysis can serve as an indispensable resource for a language program and shed light on the areas in which students are excelling or struggling (Nesselhauf, 2004). Furthermore, when successfully implemented, a learnersʼ corpus can provide a source of insight for the content and sequencing of material being taught to students, or as a consciousness-raising tool for teachers, affording them a better grasp of the language use of their students (Kennedy, 1998, p. 281). A learnersʼ corpus can also highlight which features of the target language students tend to over or underuse (Leech, 1998). The aims of this article are threefold: to refer to relevant literature in regard to the designing and implementation of learner corpora, to detail how the benefits of this kind of inquiry can be applied to not only inform but also enhance current pedagogical practices for tertiary EFL programs such as that at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU), and finally, to outline a corpus design that can be implemented to evaluate the writing of students studying in the APU English program.
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