The Annual Report of Educational Psychology in Japan
Online ISSN : 2186-3091
Print ISSN : 0452-9650
ISSN-L : 0452-9650
I Reviews of Research Trends in Educational Psychology in Japan
Trends and Issues in Current Studies of Clinical Psychology in Japan
Author information

2020 Volume 59 Pages 74-91


  This article reviews current studies of clinical psychology published from June 2018 to June 2019 (including a part of 2017). First, we discuss the importance of Japanese clinical psychologists sharing common opinions on mental health, because "authorized clinical psychologists" were the first to be certified on a national level in 2018. Next, we provide an overview of the main trends and issues of the symposium and conference presentations from The 61st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Educational Psychology, and also review the contents and points of value of 65 articles from seven main psychological journals representative of the five main clinical practice fields. The selected criteria included having helpful contents to maintain and increase mental health and meriting social recognition. Finally, three points of view are discussed as being necessary to understand when seeking mental health: acquisition and acceptance, good interaction of a unit and groups, and security for mental, physical and self-direction.

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© 2020 The Japanese Association of Educational Psychology
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