Asian Journal of Occupational Therapy
Online ISSN : 1347-3484
Print ISSN : 1347-3476
ISSN-L : 1347-3476
Experiences of Male Stroke Survivors with Higher Brain Dysfunction after Discharge from a Rehabilitation Hospital: A Qualitative Study 6 Months after Hospital Discharge
Fumio SakimotoMizuho Fujiwara
ジャーナル フリー

2023 年 19 巻 1 号 p. 38-45


Background: Stroke survivors face various problems after discharge from rehabilitation hospitals. This study aimed to clarify the post-discharge experiences of male stroke survivors with attention deficits, a form of higher brain dysfunction.

Methods: The subjects of this study were three male stroke survivors who were discharged from a convalescent rehabilitation ward and their spouses. Semi-structured interviews were conducted 1, 3, and 6 months after discharge. Data were qualitatively analyzed using Trajectory Equifinality Modeling to depict the post-discharge pathways experienced by stroke survivors.

Results: The Obligatory Passage Points of post-discharge pathways experienced by stroke survivors were as follows: feeling “difference” in daily life, becoming aware of higher brain dysfunction through interaction with others, and becoming able to “organize my thoughts” through an occupation and interacting with others. In addition, the Bifurcation Points were “increased occupation away from the wife” and “occupation with the wife continues,” and the Equifinality Point was “select occupation autonomously.”

Conclusion: Although the stroke patients were suspected of being attention deficit during the evaluation that performed during their hospitalization, they were unaware of it during their hospitalization and immediately after discharge. However, the stroke survivors became aware of their higher brain dysfunction through interactions with others other than their wives, and their insight into their disability increased as they participated in occupations. These results suggest the importance of including occupations that challenge stroke survivors and in which others, besides the wife, participate in the occupational therapy program.

© 2023 Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists
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