Online ISSN : 1883-7301
Print ISSN : 0303-8106
ISSN-L : 0303-8106
FurosemideのCochlear Microphonicsにおよぼす影響
平島 直子森満 保松元 一郎
ジャーナル フリー

1973 年 16 巻 3 号 p. 142-147


The cochlear microphonics were recorded from the basal turn by means of the differential electrode technique. After injection of 2mg/kg of furosemide CM increased for 5 minutes, rapidly decreased by 66.7% of the initial value within 35 minutes and then gradually decreased. One hour after the injection CM maintained the same value for over 3.1/2 hours.
After injection of 10mg/kg of furosemide CM also caused an increase in amplitude and then a gradual decrease. It remained depressed for over 4 hours. The depression of CM would be due to the changes in the concentration of sodium and potassium in the endolymph which would be caused by the inhibition of active transport of sodium in the stria vascularis.
After injection of 20mg/kg of furosemide, CM showed a primary depression followed by a recovery within 1 hour and then they showed the second depression.
The primary depression of CM would be due to the inhibition of active transport of sodium in the stria vascularis and the second depression would depend upon the histological changes in the stria vascularis. But further investigation is necessary.

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