Online ISSN : 2434-5636
村瀬 瑠美寺山 由美
ジャーナル フリー

2022 年 35 巻 p. 103-119


The purpose of this case study was to reveal the reason that makes it difficult for students at the nursery teacher training school to get into rhythms and show points coaching/teaching of rhythm-dance getting into rhythms for students. The participants of this case study were two students at the nursery teacher training school. The movements, utterances, and reflection sheets of participants and the author’s teaching records were analyzed. From the results obtained, the following three points were suggested. 1) The following two points are probably prevented students from getting into rhythms. (a) the misidentified that dancing to music, especially to the beats is to dance getting into rhythms. (b) the way perceiving of bouncy movements. 2) In the process of mastery to dance getting into rhythms, there are individual differences in whether students become actively intentioned to the rhythms of the movements or the rhythms of the music. And the process of integrating the rhythms of the movements and the rhythms of the music probably be different.3) Words with concrete images and onomatopoeia during the coaching assisted to get into rhythms, and there were differences in the words that students preferred and used as clues.

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