Biomedical fuzzy systems bulletin
Online ISSN : 2433-1465
Print ISSN : 0915-9274
ISSN-L : 0915-9274
斎藤 泰一有田 清三郎藤岡 知昭小池 博之久保 隆堀 義巳
会議録・要旨集 オープンアクセス

p. 40-41

Ultrasonogram of prostatic cancer is heterogeneous and the clinical diagnosis by ultrasonography might be variable depending on the physicians. Japanese Urological Association and Pathological Society published "the general rule for clinical and pathological studies on prostatic cancer, 1985", in which six items of echogram should be checked by binary judgement. We used three of them ((1) asymmetry in shape, (2) margins of the capsule, (3) internal echogenicity) and added three items ((4) F-line, (5) image of peripheral zone, (6) distance between the rectal wall and the bottom of capsule). Fuzzy scales and fuzzy inference were used. Membership functions were prepared to each item. The final desicion was made by the center of the gravity of the max-sets of membership functions for output. The results were fitted of some items can not be contributed enough, but the often particular informations can produce sharp effect. So, we are making an attempt to get the inferactive effects among the particular items.
© 1991 バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会
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