Bulletin of Glaciological Research
Online ISSN : 1884-8044
Print ISSN : 1345-3807
ISSN-L : 1345-3807
Glaciological and meteorological observations at the SE-Dome site, southeastern Greenland Ice Sheet(グリーンランド氷床、南東ドームにおける雪氷学的・気象学的観測)
IIZUKA Yoshinori(飯塚芳徳)MATOBA Sumito(的場澄人)YAMASAKI Tetsuhide(山崎哲秀)OYABU Ikumi(大藪幾美)KADOTA Moe(門田萌)Aoki Teruo(青木輝夫)
ジャーナル フリー

2016 年 34 巻 p. 1-10

In order to understand 1) temporal variations of anthropogenic aerosols from European regions under the Icelandic low with high time resolution, and 2) the snow densification mechanism at the high accumulation dome in Greenland, we drilled a 90.45m ice core in a high accumulation area of the southeastern Greenland Ice Sheet. The drilling site (SE-Dome; 67.18°N, 36.37°W, 3170m a.s.l.) is located 185km north of the town of Tasiilaq in southeastern Greenland. We also conducted borehole temperature measurements. The temperature in the borehole was −20.9°C at a depth of 20m. In addition, we did snow-pit observations, aerosol sampling, snow sampling for chemical and physical analyses and meteorological observation. Air temperature and air pressure were on average −16.8°C and 667hPa during our stay. The aerosol concentration in the top surface 0.1m snow at SE-Dome in the spring of 2015 was lower than those of the other regions in Greenland, likely due to a highland dome of the ice sheet and/or dilution of mass flux by high snow accumulation.
© 2016 公益社団法人 日本雪氷学会