Bifidobacterium longum BB536 was administered to healthy adult volunteers and the effects on the intestinal environment (fecal flora, fecal putrefactive substance, fecal putrefactive enzyme activities and organic acid concentrations), defecation frequency and fecal characteristics were investigated. For the investigation of intestinal environment, twelve volunteers were assigned to two groups (persons 7 and 5 each) and each group was administered 2×109 or 2×1010 viable cells of BB536 daily in 200 ml of milk for 7 days. Forty women volunteers were assigned for the test of defecation frequency and fecal characteristics. They were administered 2×109 viable cells of BB536 daily in 200 ml of milk for three weeks. Milk was used as the control diet in both experiments. The administration of BB536 resulted in a decrease of fecal ammonia content and reduction in the activity of some fecal enzymes. Bifidobacterium percentage in the fecal flora was increased by the administration of BB536. The number of Enterobacteriaceae and C. perfringens tended to decrease at a dose of 2 x 1010 of BB536 per day. The fecal moisture content also tended to increase following the administration of BB536. In the test on the defecation frequency and fecal characteristics, the administration of BB536 was effective in increasing the frequency significantly and in changing the fecal visual characteristics for the better. These results indicate that the administration of BB536 improves intestinal environment, defecation frequency and fecal characteristics.