The Journal of Biochemistry
Online ISSN : 1756-2651
Print ISSN : 0021-924X
Calorimetric Studies on Calcium and Magnesium Binding by Troponin C from Bullfrog Skeletal Musele
Masamoto ImaizumiMasaru TanokuraKazuhiro Yamada
ジャーナル フリー

1990 年 107 巻 1 号 p. 127-132


Microcalorimetic titrations were carried out to measure the thermodynamic functions of bullfrog skeletal muscle troponin C (TnC) in the interaction with Ca2+ and Mg2+ at 25°C and at pH 7.0. Enthalpy titration curves with Ca2+ were composed of three stages both in the presence and in the absence of Mg2+. The first (0-2 mol Ca2+/mol TnC) and the third (>3mol Ca2+/mol TnC) stages were exothermic and the second stage (2-3mol Ca2+/mol TnC) was endothermic. Mg2+ affected the first stage to decrease the amount of heat produced but not the second and third stages. The enthalpy titration with Mg2+, in the absence of Ca2+, was slightly exothermic initially and then became endothermic beyond 2-3 mol Mg2+/mol TnC. Absorption of heat was observed throughout the additions of Mg2+ in the presence of 1mM Ca2+. The results indicate that bullfrog TnC has two high-affinity Ca2+-Mg2+ sites, two low-affinity Ca2+ -specific sites, and two or around two Mg2+-specific sites. Based on the enthalpy and entropy changes, the Ca2+ binding reactions of TnC were classified into three types, indicating thermodynamic variety in the binding sites of the molecule.

© The Japanese Biochemical Society
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