The Journal of Biochemistry
Online ISSN : 1756-2651
Print ISSN : 0021-924X
The G-Protein G0 in Mammalian Cardiac Muscle: Localization and Coupling to A1 Adenosine Receptors
Tomiko AsanoHaruo ShinoharaRika MorishitaIkuo NorotaKanefusa KatoMasao Endoh
ジャーナル フリー

1995 年 117 巻 1 号 p. 183-189


To investigate the functional relevance of the G-protein G0 to adenosine-induced effects in the heart, we studied the localization of G0 and its interaction with A1 adenosine receptors. Concentrations of G0 in various mammalian hearts differed markedly between the atrial and the ventricular muscle, as well as among species. In most species examined, the concentration of G0 was much higher in the atrium than in the ventricle. The highest levels of G0 in atria and ventricles were found in the ferret heart. An immunohistochemical study of the ferret heart with G0α-specific antibodies showed that G0 was localized throughout the membranes of cardiac myocytes, including the intercalated disks. In addition, G0 was densely distributed in the nerve fibers and Purkinje fibers. Analyses of G0α subtypes showed that bovine atrium mainly contained G0Aα, while bovine ventricle contained only G0Bα. By contrast, ferret ventricle contained both subtypes of G0α. To study the coupling of G0 to A1 adenosine receptors, receptors in ventricular membranes of ferrets, which had been pretreated with pertussis toxin, or purified receptors were reconstituted with purified G0A and G0B. The reconstitution experiments indicated that both subtypes of G0 coupled with A1 adenosine receptors. These results suggest that the effect of adenosine is mediated by both G0A and G0B in membranes of ferret cardiac myocytes.

© The Japanese Biochemical Society
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