The Journal of Biochemistry
Online ISSN : 1756-2651
Print ISSN : 0021-924X
Exogenous Type-II Phospholipase A2 Stimulates Prostaglandin Synthesis in Rat Liver-Derived BRL-3A Cells in the Presence of Tumor Necrosis Factor α
Hinako SugaMakoto MurakamiIchiro KudoKeizo Inoue
ジャーナル フリー

1995 年 118 巻 5 号 p. 939-945


The effect of extracellular type-II phospholipase A2 (PLA2) on prostaglandin (PG) synthesis has been studied using rat liver-derived BRL-3A cells. The addition of type-II PLA2 to the medium of BRL-3A cells resulted in a marked decrease in the enzymatic activity in the medium. An immunochemical study involving an anti-(type-II PLA2) antibody revealed that a significant amount of PLA2 was attached to the surface of type-II PLA2-treated BRL-3A cells. Heparin inhibited the binding of PLA2 almost completely. Only modest release of PGE2 over the control value was observed when cells were treated with PLA2 alone or tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) alone, whereas PGE2 production as well as arachidonic acid release from phospholipids was augmented more than additively in the presence of both type-II PLA2 and TNFα. Furthermore, pretreatment of cells with type-II PLA2 followed by subsequent stimulation by TNFα caused an appreciable increase in PGE2 production. Thus, type-II PLA2 bound to cell-surface heparin-like molecules may exert its activity and participate in eicosanoid generation only in the presence of TNFα.

© The Japanese Biochemical Society
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