Bulletin of the Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Kyushu University
Online ISSN : 1881-4212
Print ISSN : 0915-499X
ISSN-L : 0915-499X
Methylotrophic recombinant Pichla pastoris for phytase production on D-mannitol/methanol optimization
Ndayambaje Jean BernardHabinshuti JanvierIngabire AngeliqueNteziyaremye Beneyo EmmerenceHabarurema GratienMeenakshisundaram
ジャーナル フリー

2018 年 41 巻 p. 97-105


D-mannitol addition as a co-substrate with methanol at the induction phase during fermentation by Pichia pastoris (Mut+) is a new beneficial technology for recombinant protein production. The major challenges as heat generation and high oxygen demand are increasing during induction phases with methanol at large scale and this causes high oxygen demand during cultivation time. One way possible to reduce the oxygen demand for getting more protein productivity is the addition of D-mannitol along with methanol during induction time. The co-feeding strategy was optimized to produce phytase activity of 10280 U/ml which is two and half time higher compare to methanol fed alone and we suggest that it could be used as food additives for non-ruminant animals. A deep understanding of regulation of AOX1 promoter is that, the physiology of the cells which are being used to govern protein production during methanol/D-mannitol strategy is still not developed at large.

© 2018 Institute of Tropical Agriculture Kyushu University
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