2023 Volume 46 Pages 19-25
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of storage on physical properties of three parboiled and milled rice varieties (Dogoyiri, Kampala and Yaturu) grown in the Sothern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria. Physical characteristics of rice varieties such as grain weight, grain dimensions, and grain hardness determine their handling before, during and after storage and processing. The preference for good quality rice by local growers and consumers has necessitated the need to examine the effect of storage on the physical characteristics of local rice varieties. The experiment was conducted as a completely randomized design with three replications. There was an increase in grain length, particle size index and grain width for the tested rice varieties. Results showed that the Kampala rice variety had a significantly (p<0.05) different in mean grain density (0.90 g/cm3) from the other two varieties. The three rice varieties differed significantly in mean grain weight after 12 months storage period. The Dogoyiri rice variety at harvest differed significantly in grain length (7.94 mm) from the Kampala and Yaturu rice varieties. The difference between the rice varieties in physical properties maybe related to genetic factors. It can be concluded that physical properties are basic requirements in the proper storage and processing.