Online ISSN : 1884-5894
Print ISSN : 0009-3165
ISSN-L : 0009-3165
勝 正孝藤森 一平小川 順一山本 一郎伊藤 周治島田 佐仲安倍 達
ジャーナル フリー

1969 年 17 巻 1 号 p. 71-80


It is the purpose of this paper to try to standardize the evaluation of clinical efficacy i n treating various infectious diseases by chemotherapy with score index.
In this study, clinical efficacy was evaluated by the use of tentative criteria which has been already proposed by few doctors.
Criteria for dys entery was proposed by Dr. T. TAKIGAMI, common cold by Dr. M. KAJI, Japanese encephalitis by Dr. M. YOKOTA, diphtheria by Dr. S. YANAGISHITA, pyelonephritis by Dr. Y. UEDA, biliary infection by Dr. K. MASHIMO, bacterial pneumonia by Dr. Y. UEDA and lung abscess by Dr. I. FUKAYA.
Results were as follows:
1) Although several bot tlenecks existed to describe physiopathology and clinical efficacy by score index, it was felt better for the objective evaluation.
2) This method enabled us the evaluation of clinical efficacy from different institutes and hospitals easy and more precise interpolation.
3) However few poi nts of note should be mentioned. They are:
a) to define severity of diseases with some score. For instance, severe is more than 15 points, moderate 8 to 14 and mild less than 7.
b) to determine clinical efficacy by comp aring of pre and post treatment score.
c) to make score index as simple as possible to the least reliability becaus e complex score index is not easily applicable in daily practice at ease even though it is excellent.
4) In the committee for evaluation of chemotherapeutic efficacy, it is desi rable to determine authorized criteria for evaluation of chemotherapy.
5) Finally, it is hoped that doctors in this field apply this score index actively to daily practice_ and discuss to make better criteria for evaluation of chemotherapeutic efficacy in infectious diseases.

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