Online ISSN : 1884-5894
Print ISSN : 0009-3165
ISSN-L : 0009-3165
加地 正郎溝口 輝彦北谷 勤前田 次郎新宮 正久御旅屋 寛一
ジャーナル フリー

1969 年 17 巻 8 号 p. 1598-1603


The experiment was done to obtain the basic data- for further large scale field trial of the sulfisomezole therapy in acute upper respiratory infections.
During the period of December 1962-A pril 1963, 153 adult cases with upper respiratory infection were studied.
In bacteriological examinations of throat swabs, hemolytic Streptococcus and Staphylococcus aureus were isolated in 36 (23. 5%) and 35 cases (22. 2%) and in control group of 110 healthy adults in 10. 0% and 10. 9% respectively.
Viral etiol ogy was revealed in 24(influenza A2 3, influenza B 1, adenovirus infection, 4, Coxsackie virus infection 5, Echovirus infection 12, rhinovirus infection was not tested) out of 140 cases examined.
Clinically, 153 cases were classified into common cold 103, bacterial pharyngitis 6, undifferentiated upper respiratory infection(URI) 33 and others 11. Sulfisomezole therapy (initial dose 2. 0 g and 1. 0 g every 12 hours thereafter) was started within 1 st or 2 nd day of illness and the symptoms and signs were checked everyday throughout the course of disease.
The frequency and duration of symptoms and s igns observed in common cold and URI were discussed with consideration of the bacteriological results.

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