Online ISSN : 1884-5894
Print ISSN : 0009-3165
ISSN-L : 0009-3165
Sulfobenzylpenicillin の基礎的ならびに臨床的研究
山作 房之輔武田 元薄田 芳丸庭山 昌俊川島 士郎木下 康民関根 理貝沼 知男
ジャーナル フリー

1971 年 19 巻 8 号 p. 936-942


1.The kinetics of sulfobenzylpenicillin after a single intravenous administration of 500 mg was studied in subjects with normal and impaired renal function. In two subjects with normal renal function, serum levels of 38-039 mcg/ml were obtained after 1 hour. The concentrations declined rapidly to 1. 05^4. 3 mcg/ml after 6 hours. The serum half-lives of sulfobenzylpenicillin were respectively 0.83 and 0.89 hour. In two patients with impaired renal function (GFR : 64 and 26 ml/min.), the serum levels were 4.2 and 13 mcg/ml after 6 hours, and the serum half-lives were 1.28 and 1.86 hours. Total urinary recovery after 6 hours and the renal clearance of sulfobenzylpenicillin were 60-64% and 64-56 ml/min. in the normal subjects, and 54-37% and 55-21 ml/min. in the cases with impaired renal function.
2. Sulfobenzylpenicillin was used in 11 cases with respiratory, urinary and other infections. In 4 cases with Pseudomonas or Proteus infections given daily 6 g of sulfobenzylpenicillin, good results were obtained. In 7 cases given daily 1-3 g, the results were good in 5 cases, and poor in 2 cases.
3. The elevation of serum transaminase was found in 1 patient with chronic pyelonephritis and impaired renal function (GFR : 13.5 ml/min.) when 6 g of sulfobenzylpenicillin was given daily for 10 days, GPT being 91 units and GOT 70 units. The values declined slowly to the normal levels within 2 months after discontinuance of sulfobenzylpenicillin.

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