Online ISSN : 1884-5894
Print ISSN : 0009-3165
ISSN-L : 0009-3165
小児期細菌性感染症に対するPipemidic acidの使用経験
堀 誠河野 三郎城 宏輔岡本 和美戸谷 誠之
ジャーナル フリー

1975 年 23 巻 9 号 p. 2880-2888


Laboratory and clinical studies were made on pipemidic acid and the following results were obtained.
1. Peak blood levels were 9.5-20μg/ml 1 hour after oral administration of pipemidic acid at doses of 10 and 25 mg/kg.
2. Pipemidic acid was administered at a daily dose of about 50 mg/kg to 17 cases of urinary tract infections, 1 case of cholecystitis after operation of congenital bile duct atresia and 2 cases of lymphadenitis colli purulenta bearing skin abscess. Clinical results were excellent or good in 14 of 17 cases of urinary tract infections, good in 1 case of cholecystitis and good in 1 of 2 cases of lymphadenitis colli purulenta bearing skin abscess.
The rate of clinical effectiveness was 80% in a total of 20 cases treated. Causative organisms disappeared in 13 cases but were maintained in 3 cases except for 4 unknown cases.
In all cases, there were no untoward side effects regarding symptoms, hematological analysis and renal and hepatic functional tests.

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