Online ISSN : 1884-5894
Print ISSN : 0009-3165
ISSN-L : 0009-3165
Fosfomycin Na と Sulbenicillin Na の慢性気道感染症に対する薬効比較試験成績
三木 文雄川合 馗英久保 研二塩田 憲三加藤 康道富沢 磨須美中山 一朗斎藤 玲石川 清文長浜 文雄中林 武仁安田 悳也小六 哲司山本 征司今野 淳林 泉清水 喜八郎熊田 徹平真下 啓明国井 乙彦深谷 一太上田 泰松本 文夫斎藤 篤中川 圭一可部 順三郎渡辺 健太郎谷本 普一蒲田 英明池本 秀雄渡辺 一功福島 孝吉伊藤 章山崎 隆一郎藤森 一平島田 佐仲権田 信之勝 正孝滝塚 久志蒲沢 知子川島 士郎鈴木 康稔岩永 守登庭山 昌俊武田 元山作 房之輔木下 康民関根 理薄田 芳丸青木 信樹若林 伸人北原 克之高頭 正長大山 馨松田 正毅清水 龍作山本 俊幸北浦 三郎大久 保滉岡本 緩子西沢 夏生河盛 勇造河村 正一江藤 浩辻本 兵博山口 防人河野 通昭西山 雅雄香西 勝人螺良 英郎副島 林造田野 吉彦品川 晃二原 耕平那須 勝中富 昌夫斎藤 厚森 信興松本 慶蔵宇塚 良夫野口 行雄今岡 誠
ジャーナル フリー

1977 年 25 巻 10 号 p. 2933-2960


In order to compare the therapeutic effects and side effects of fosfomycin Na (FOM) with those of sulbenicillin Na (SBPC), a comparative clincal trial has been carried out in 115 patients with chronic respiratory tract infections at 25 institutions in Japan. Each of the patients was assigned to either of the drugs at random. Both drugs were administered as intravenous infusions at a dosage of 2g twice daily for 14 days.
In each patient, on the basis of detailedly recorded subjective and objective symptoms, laboratory test results and chest X-ray film findings, committee members consisting of several physicians who had not been informed of the drug actually given to each patient made an assessment on the severity, therapeutic results, and presence or absence of side effects. Subsequently, the key code for the drug abministered to each patient was opened and statistical analysis was carried out by making a comparison between the two groups (one received FOM and the other SBPC) with respect to background factors, clinical effectiveness, bacteriological effectiveness, degree of improvement and observed side effects.
Out of the 115 cases originally admitted to the trial, 13 cases were excluded because of failure to observe the treating regimen initially established, leaving 102 cases (56 from FOM group and 46 from SBPC group) for analysis. It was indicated that regarding background factors there was no significance between the two groups except that more cases of SBPC group had highly accelerated ESR value and that there were more cases in FOM group which had infections due to Pseudomonas and mixed infections, both with significance.
The clinical effectiveness were classified as excellent in 5 and 7 cases in FOM and SBPC group, respectively, as good in 22 and 17 cases ; as fair in 8 and 11 cases, as poor in 21 and 14 cases ; and as undecided in 0 and 1 case, respectively, with no significance. In the bacteriological effectiveness and the degree of improvement, there was no significance which is of importance in a comparison of both drugs. In regard to the incidence of side effects no significance was observed.

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