Online ISSN : 1884-5894
Print ISSN : 0009-3165
ISSN-L : 0009-3165
千田 嘉博鳥井 義夫神谷 けい子
ジャーナル フリー

1977 年 25 巻 9 号 p. 2599-2603


Ticarcillin was administered to the 10 cases of the infections of respiratory organs consisting of 4 cases of pneumonia, 4 cases of acute exacerbation of bronchiectasis, 1 case of bronchitis and 1 case of pyothorax, and the clinical effect of the drug was investigated. A dose of 2-5 g was used twice daily for 3-16 days.
As the result, excellent effect was obtained in 5 cases, good effect in 3 cases, and fair effect in 2 cases, effective ratio being 80%. Isolated organisms consisted ofPs. aeruginosa8 cases, Proteus1 case, and unknown 1 case. As for the transition of organisms, 8 strains ofPs. aeruginosaand 1 strain of Proteus disappeared all, and yet 3 strains ofKl. pneumoniaeand 1 strain of GNR appeared as substituted microbes.
Other antibiotics were ineffective before in 6 cases out of 10 cases investigated, and yet excellent effect was obtained in 4 cases and good effect in 2 case.
As to the side effect, values of GOT and GPT were elevated in 1 case, but these returned to normal on 22nd day after the interruption of administration. Another 1 case complained of eruption, and this disappeared spontaneously by stopping the administration.
The present investigation was performed on the infections due toPs. aeruginosaor the infections which did not respond before to other antibiotics. These infections are difficult to be treated, as local preventive function lowers as well as general resisting power. Considering this, the results obtained may be fairly satisfactory.

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