Online ISSN : 1884-5894
Print ISSN : 0009-3165
ISSN-L : 0009-3165
呼吸器感染症に対するT-1220 (Piperacillin) とAmpicillinの二重盲検法による薬効比較試験成績
中川 圭一可部 順三郎渡辺 健太郎木原 令夫小山 優加藤 康道斎藤 玲中山 一朗富沢 磨須美清水 辰典長浜 文雄中林 武仁木村 武川名 林治吉田 司臼井 康雄滝島 任荒井 澄夫今野 淳大泉 耕太郎渡辺 彰勝 正孝藤井 俊宥成田 光陽小林 章男丸山 佳子真下 啓明深谷 一太国井 乙彦上田 泰斎藤 篤松本 文夫清水 喜八郎島田 馨本間 日臣稲富 恵子渡辺 一功谷本 普一北本 治小林 宏行藤森 一平松岡 康夫福島 孝吉伊藤 章山崎 隆一郎関根 理薄田 芳丸青木 信樹山作 房之輔鈴木 康稔高頭 正長岩田 文英亀山 宏平大山 馨金木 美智子日比 輝彦中村 善紀宮沢 健山本 俊幸菅 栄北浦 三郎後藤 幸夫小沼 賢鳥飼 勝隆前川 暢夫中西 通泰坂東 憲司西山 秀樹山田 栄一賀戸 重允石橋 達雄中井 準岩田 猛邦塩田 憲三三木 文雄浅井 倶和大久保 滉岡本 緩子右馬 文彦上田 良弘前原 敬悟辻本 兵博山口 防人津田 能康西沢 夏生河村 正一副島 林造田野 吉彦小林 武彦木村 直躬栗村 統佐々木 英夫玉木 和江品川 晃二螺良 英郎河野 通昭川原 久須二高杉 緑村上 光村越 裕一重見 運平中西 幸三柳瀬 敏幸沢江 義郎佐藤 信義亀田 志郎杉山 浩太郎石橋 凡雄高本 正祗原 耕平那須 勝中富 昌夫斎藤 厚小江 俊行堀内 信宏福田 博英泉山 欣一堤 恒雄岡 六四与那城 敏夫松本 慶蔵今岡 誠宇塚 良夫鈴木 寛井手 政利森 民春木村 久男徳臣 晴比古志摩 清福田 安嗣浜田 和裕徳永 勝正青木 隆幸賀来 隆二杉本 峯晴古賀 秀雄山口 傅石坂 和夫赤塚 護大場 昭男安藤 正幸
ジャーナル フリー

1978 年 26 巻 2 号 p. 123-166


The clinical effectiveness and safety of T-1220 (Piperacillin) and ABPC (Ampicillin) were compared in this randomized, double-blind multi-clinical study of 297 patients with respiratory tract infections. Patients were assigned to treatment with either 4g/day of T-1220 or 2g/day of ABPC by drip infusion for 7 to 14 days.
The results obtained were as follows :
1. Two hundreds and twenty-eight patients were selected for evaluation by committee members. Among these patients, 117 were treated with T-1220 and 111 were treated with ABPC.
Each number of patients administered either T-1220 or ABPC was 35 and 33 in bacterial pneumonia, 28 and 22 in mycoplasmal pneumonia, 16 and 10 in primary atypical pneumonia (PAP), and 38 and 46 in chronic respiratory tract infections, respectively.
2. On the other hand, two hundreds and fifty-eight patients were selected, excepting that was remarkably against the rule, the number of cases adopted as able as possible by doctors in charge. Among these patients, 127 were treated with T-1220 and 131 were treated with ABPC.
Each number of patients administered either T-1220 or ABPC was 65 and 50 in bacterial pneumonia, and 40 and 53 in chronic respiratory tract infections, respectively.
3. The overall clinical efficacy rate (excellent and good results) in all cases adopted by committee members was 65. 8% in T-1220 group and 58. 6% in ABPC group, respectively.
In the cases of bacterial pneumonia the efficacy rate was 77.2% in T-1220 group and 60.6% in ABPC group. The effectiveness in T-1220 group was significantly to that in ABPC group. In the cases of chronic respiratory tract infections the efficacy rate was 67.5% in T-1220 group and 47.2% in ABPC group.
4. The overall clinical efficacy rate in all cases adopted by doctors in charge was 71.7% in T-1220 group and 53.4% in ABPC group, respectively. The effectiveness in T-1220 group was significantly to that in ABPC group.
In the cases of bacterial pneumonia the efficacy rate was 81.5% in T-1220 group and 64.0% in ABPC group. In the cases of chronic respiratory tract infections the efficacy rate was 67.5% in T-1220 group and 47.2% in ABPC group. The effectiveness in T-1220 group was significantly to that in ABPC group for both diseases.
5. T-1220 showed an excellent effect for improvement of symptoms and findings of chest roentgenogram, cough and volume of sputum in bacterial pneumonia, and dyspnea, chest pain, rales and cyanosis in chronic respiratory tract infections. The results obtained in T-1220 group was significantly to that in ABPC group.
6. No significant difference was observed in the frequency of side effect between both groups. 7. From the results obtained in all the patients, the utility of T-1220 was considered to be significantly to that of ABPC. In particular, the utility of T-1220 against bacterial pneumonia and chronic respiratory tract infections was judged to be superior to that of ABPC.

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