Nihon Chikusan Gakkaiho
Online ISSN : 1880-8255
Print ISSN : 1346-907X
ISSN-L : 1880-8255
Studies on the Feeding Effect of Rapeseed Oilmeal
VIII. Effect of Hot-water Treatment on Rapeseed Oilmeal (4) Influence of Repeated Treatment
Tetsuro NAKAYA
Author information

1965 Volume 36 Issue 12 Pages 534-543


The author reported in the previous papers that the hot-water treatment was effective in counteracting the specific effect of rapeseed oilmeal (RSOM) on animal growth and thyroid glands. The present experiment using chicks was made to confirm the presumption that repetition of preceding treatment is probably more effective than such one treatment as in the previous experiments and at the same time it was compared on the influence of RSOM feeding and thiouracil (TU) for chick growth and thyroid glands.
The hot-water treatment of RSOM was repeated three times (Exp. I) or five times (Exp. II). The number of experimental animals used for Exp. I was sixty female chicks (day-old White Leghorn) and for Exp. II ninety, and each ration given to these chicks for four weeks is shown in former paper19) (1964) and Tables 2 and 3 of this paper.
The feeding of RSOM resulted markedly in an increase in thyroid weight, a decrease in thyroid iodine level and an increase in reduced glutathione level of liver, whereas these changes were not found in chicks fed RSOM which was repeatedly treated with a hot-water. In general, the goitrogenicity of ration adding 0.03 per cent TU was much greater than that of rations containing 20 or 30 per cent of RSOM, but the addition of TU at above level did not cause a growth retardation.
When chicks were fed the rations containing RSOM at a 10, 20 and 30 per cent level or adding 0.03 per cent TU, a total iodine content in their thyroid was about the same as controls.
Accordingly, it is presumed that a goitrogenic effect of these rations may not be very serious.
On the other hand, an advantageous effect of the repeated treatment of RSOM for body growth was not so much revealed as for thyroid glands, and this may be based on the RSOM having specific factor on the thyroid glands but weaker factor on growth retardation in this experiment.
The data show that the repeated treatment by a hot-water is more advantageous in counter-acting the specific effect of RSOM than one treatment, and also lend support to the possible interpretation for the specific factor, which was reported in authors' previous papers16, 18, 19).

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