Online ISSN : 2433-0663
陰極線オツシログラフに依る電氣心動圖の研究 : 第六報 電氣心働圖h線に就て
高安 正夫
ジャーナル フリー

1938 年 4 巻 6 号 p. 233-236


1) 15 cases of the normal electrocardiogram were recorded with the cathode ray oscillograph, and those h-line examined. The h-line(from the end of the P wave to the beginning of the QRS group) does not consists of 3 waves, which Rijlant described, but a single negative slow wave. 2) The h-line has various forms according to the cases, but in each case the end of the P wave is negative, and from here the h-line begins and is concave upwards in. many of them. 3) The fact that h-lines are negative is due to the fact that it is a part of so-called Ta wave. 4) The details of the Ta wave are examined by the electrocadiogram of the comlplete a-v block recorded with the cathode ray oscillograph. The Ta wave begins from the end of the P wave(which is slightly negative), and declines then goes upward, and forms a slow biphasic curve. 5) Ta wave is caused by the contraction of the whole auricular muscle, that is the analogyto the ST interval and the T wave in the ventricular complex. 6) If the electrical process from the His's bundle appears on the electrocardiogram, it must not be the h-line but that which is found justbefore the QRS group. In. the author's curve it could not be found.

© 1938 一般社団法人日本循環器学会
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