Circulation Reports
Online ISSN : 2434-0790


Joint Declaration on COVID-19 by the Japan Stroke and Japanese Circulation Societies
Takuya KishiTeruyuki HiranoAtsushi MizunoYoichiro HashimotoChisa MatsumotoMemori FukudaShoji SanadaMari IshidaKoichi NodeSusumu MiyamotoIssei Komuroon behalf of Directors of the Japan Stroke and Japanese Circulation Societies
ジャーナル オープンアクセス HTML 早期公開

論文ID: CR-20-0040


Infections caused by a new strain of coronavirus, COVID-19, are currently spreading rapidly, and the Japan Stroke and Japanese Circulation Societies are therefore extremely concerned about the danger posed to the system through which emergency treatment for stroke and cardiovascular diseases is provided, given the current potential for an unprecedented collapse. Currently, as society focuses significant attention on COVID-19, we have made the following joint declaration regarding the need to maintain facilities, personnel, and medical resources etc., to provide appropriate emergency medical care and acute-phase treatment for people who suffer a sudden stroke or other cardiovascular diseases, and thus require life-saving attention.

This declaration was made on April 6, 2020, based on discussion between the Japan Stroke and the Japanese Circulation Societies, and was approved in emergency board meetings held by both societies after being drawn up by a working group comprising members of the 2 entities.

1. Sharing and Effective Use of Information Regarding Regional Healthcare System Provision

To prevent a breakdown in the emergency treatment of stroke and cardiovascular disease, information on the provision of health care by region will be shared with healthcare personnel and governmental bodies, and the national government will fully cooperate with each local government to establish a system that uses healthcare organizations at the regional level effectively.

2. Achieving Effective Measures to Reduce the Number of COVID-19 Cases

To limit the number of COVID-19 cases, achieving optimal anti-infection countermeasures is the aim of both hospitals and general society, and is based on the leadership provided by government bodies and the Japan Stroke and Japanese Circulation Societies’ cooperation with the general public and medical institutions.

3. Sharing of Information, Including Countermeasures Against Nosocomial Infection, Between Medical Institutions Providing Emergency Treatment for Stroke and Cardiovascular Disease

As required by the countermeasures taken to combat COVID-19, we will endeavor to maintain close connections between a wide range of medical departments, not limited to those concerned with infection, to establish and maintain the infrastructure for the emergency treatment of stroke and cardiovascular disease and share high-quality information between medical institutions.

As organizations of experts in cardiovascular management, both the Japan Stroke and Japanese Circulation Societies will continue providing the maximum response to COVID-19; core members will be involved in administering treatments, such as extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for patients with COVID-19 infection and severe pneumonia. In this context, we have resolved to make the utmost effort towards preventing a further explosive increase in COVID-19 infection in Japan while also preventing a collapse in healthcare infrastructure and the infection of healthcare professionals within medical institutions throughout Japan to continue providing high-quality treatment for all diseases, including stroke and cardiovascular diseases.


I.K., K.N., and S.S. are members of Circulation Reports ’ Editorial Team. The other authors declare no conflicts of interest.

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