IEICE Communications Express
Online ISSN : 2187-0136
ISSN-L : 2187-0136
Performance evaluation of CSS-APCMA for massive IoT using GNU Radio/USRP
Atsushi NakamuraKentaro HondaFerdinand PeperKenji LeibnitzNaoki WakamiyaMikio Hasegawa
キーワード: massive IoT, LPWA, APCMA, GNU Radio, USRP
ジャーナル フリー

2023 年 12 巻 4 号 p. 120-125


Asynchronous Pulse Code Multiple Access (APCMA) is a pulse-based communication system for massive IoT. It enables high-density communication because it can decode messages with a high probability even if they collide. We evaluate the performance of APCMA with Chirp Spread Spectrum-modulated pulses (CSS-APCMA) by comparing it with On-Off Keying APCMA (OOK-APCMA) and LoRa. Our first experiment shows that APCMA has a lower packet error rate (PER) than LoRa in a congested environment. Our second experiment shows that CSS-APCMA has a smaller PER than OOK-APCMA in a noisy environment. Our results confirm that CSS-APCMA is suitable for massive IoT.

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