Online ISSN : 2424-1849
Print ISSN : 1349-5836
ISSN-L : 1349-5836
濱名 潔保木井 啓史境 愛一郎中坪 史典
ジャーナル フリー

2015 年 17 巻 p. 21-30


This study clarifies the following three points: (1) Kindergarten teachers' difficulty in sharing their opinions on in-school staff development, (2) The impact of the KJ Method on in-school staff development, and (3) How implementation of the KJ Method changed the difficulty of discussing ideas of their own on in-school staff development. Six kindergarten teachers who participated in in-school staff development sessions which utilized the KJ Method were interviewed, and their responses were analyzed using qualitative research method known as Steps for Coding and Theorization (SCAT). The results of the analysis revealed three points. First, kindergarten teachers are under pressure regardless of their years of experience when they are conscious of how one is thought of by other teachers, making it difficult for them to openly discuss crucial issues during in-school staff development opportunities. Second, employing the KJ Method helps prompt kindergarten teachers to discuss these issues with each other more openly, but can also impede discussion at in-school staff development in some instances. Finally, some steps of the KJ Method prompt kindergarten teachers to discuss with each other; Writing on a sticky note enables them to frankly express their opinions. Moreover, putting the sticky notes together enables them to increase the chances for expressing their opinions.

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