Online ISSN : 1348-7019
Print ISSN : 0011-4545
Cytomorphology, Geographical Distribution and Ethnobotany of Genus Oxalis Linn. from Western Himalaya (India)
Savita RaniSyed M. JeelaniSantosh KumariRaghbir C. GuptaRakesh K. Chahota
ジャーナル オープンアクセス

2015 年 80 巻 3 号 p. 295-302


The genus Oxalis belongs to the family Oxalidaceae and includes mostly wild as well as commonly cultivated ornamental plants. To generate basic information on genetic diversity required for the improvement of germplasm, the present study was carried out from the different areas of the Western Himalayas. During the study, eight accessions belonging to two species of the genus Oxalis were cytomorphologically observed. New intraspecific cytotypes in O. corniculata (2n=14) at world level and O. corymbosa (2n=14) at India level were reported. In comparison, these diploid and tetraploid cytotypes for O. corymbosa show significant variations in relation to morphology as well as geographical distribution on the world map. Further, the meiotic course in most of these accessions was observed to be normal except for one accession of O. corniculata marked with meiotic anomalies, directly influencing the pollen fertility.

© 2015 The Japan Mendel Society
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