Online ISSN : 1348-7019
Print ISSN : 0011-4545
Regular Article
Chromosomal Polymorphism in Saccharum spontaneum: Numerical Variation in Accessions from Eastern India
Valiya Purakkal Sobhakumari Perumal Govindaraj
ジャーナル オープンアクセス HTML

2022 年 87 巻 4 号 p. 375-381


Because of its importance in sugarcane breeding as a source of high productivity and adaptability, efforts made to collect, conserve and characterize Saccharum spontaneum accessions from different parts of the country. Chromosomal diversity and its correlation with characters recorded during collection in this species have been revealed through the study of 71 clones collected from Jharkhand, a state located in eastern India. A total of 11 cytotypes were identified with four euploids [2n=40 (5x), 2n=56 (7x), 2n=64 (8x), 2n=72 (9x)] and seven aneuploids (2n=54, 60, 62, 66, 70, 74, 76). Regular meiosis was observed with predominant bivalent formation except in the clone IND 17-1853 (2n=72). Univalents and meiotic abnormalities were observed in this clone. The correlation of some of the characters with somatic chromosome numbers was confirmed with the analysis of onsite data and cytological studies.

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