2022 Volume 16 Issue 6 Pages 273-279
A cell-based assay was conducted to screen microbial culture broths for potentiators of neutral lipid degradation in Chinese Hamster Ovary K1 cells. A total of 5,363 microbial cultures from fungi and actinomycetes were screened in this assay. Brefeldin A (1) from fungal cultures was found to promote the degradation of triacylglycerol (TG) with an EC50 of 2.6 µM. Beauveriolides I (2), III (3), beauverolides A (4), B (5), and K (6) from fungal cultures showed potentiating effect on cholesteryl ester (CE) degradation with EC50s ranging from 0.02 to 0.13 µM. Among these compounds, 2 and 6 exhibited the strongest activities (EC50, 0.02 µM). From actinomycete cultures, oxohygrolidin (7) (EC50 for TG and CE, > 1.7 and 0.8 µM, respectively) and hygrolidin (8) (EC50 for TG and CE, 0.08 and 0.004 µM, respectively) promoted degradation of CE more preferably than TG.