Proceedings of Annual Conference, Digital Game Research Association JAPAN
Online ISSN : 2758-6480
13th Annual Conference
Session ID : 3-4
Conference information

AI and Machine learning ( Oral session 3 )
Analysis towards an automated system for generating video game sequels
*Hiroto Morimoto*Hajime Murai
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Automatic generation technology for various elements of conventional games has been applied not only in the research phase but also in commercialization. However, few attempts have been made to automatically generate sequels to existing stories, either in games or in other media. In this study, we investigated the common characteristics of popular sequels and the conditions under which users accept a sequel as a continuation of a previous work. Specifically, we established an evaluation axis for sequels, conducted a questionnaire survey of selected games to determine the degree to which the evaluation axis matched that of the previous game, set sequel criteria based on the results, and analyzed the games that were accepted as sequels. The results of the questionnaire were used to set the criteria for a sequel, and the works that were recognized as sequels were analyzed. The characteristics of sequels to role-playing games and shooting games were also analyzed to clarify the differences between them.

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