Print ISSN : 0916-1139
大家 毅鈴木 洋史寺崎 哲也杉山 雄一
ジャーナル フリー

1996 年 11 巻 supplement 号 p. 5112-5113


A distributed model was employed to clarify the mechanism for the restricted distribution of the quinolone antibiotics (norfloxacin, AM-1155, ofloxacin, fleroxacin, sparfloxacin and pefloxacin) in the rat central nervous system (CNS). The permeability-surface area (PS) product for the symmetrical transport across the blood-brain barrier (BBB; PSBBB, sym) and across the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier (BCSFB; PSBCSFB, sym), and the efflux clearance across the BBB (PSBBB, act) were obtained by fitting in vivo data to this kinetic model by using a nonlinear least squares regression analysis combined with the fast inverse Laplace transforming program. The values of PSBBB, act were 10- to 260-fold greater than those of PSBBB, sym, providing the kinetic evidence to support the hypothesis that a significant efflux transport at the BBB is responsible for the limited distribution of quinolones in brain tissue. A good correlation between the apparent brain tissue-to-unbound serum concentration ratio at steady-state and the ratio of PSBBB, sym to the sum of PSBBB, sym and PSBBB, act suggests the importance of the efflux transport across the BBB in determining the brain distribution of quinolones.

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