Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
Vol.6 (The 7th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 2007)

Academic Paper
Development of Philippine Trip Generation Rates
*Jose Regin Fajardo Regidor
キーワード: trip generation, traffic analysis
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 10


The practice of transportation engineering and planning has employed trip rates to determine the number of trips generated by developments. Trip generation serves as an input to modeling transportation requirements and traffic flows influenced by the development. For example, a condominium may directly impact traffic within a 10 km radius. Meanwhile, a shopping mall can impact an area of over 50 km in radius. These trips generated and attracted are represented by standard rates for trip generation like those published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers. This paper discusses the trip rates used in transportation research and practice in the Philippines. The paper also describes the current efforts in the development of trip rates for various land use types. An assessment of issues and concerns pertaining to local trip and rates are discussed, and recommendations for future research directions are also presented.

© 2007 Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
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