Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
Vol.7 (The 8th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 2009)

Academic Paper
Implementation of Two-step Crossing System with Cycle-time Reduction: The Effects and Future Tasks
*Kiichiro HatoyamaShunsuke Segi
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 327


In Japan, and also in other Asian countries, intersections with very long signal cycle time have been problematic especially form pedestrian viewpoint. This research aims to suggest one technique to solve the problems: two-step crossing system with cycle time reduction, as a new standard of intersection design in Japan and other Asian countries as well. To check the effects of it, an experimental attempt are conducted in a real intersection and analyzed through a video survey and an interview survey. As a result, we revealed how much the effect differs by pedestrian walking direction and that lots of pedestrians accept this kind of experiment and think about the future extension. For future task, installing sound signals and remaining-time indicators, and applying different cycle time will be necessary to make this technique new Asian standard of intersection designing and controlling.

© 2009 Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
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