主催: Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
p. 357
This study aims to evaluate the comprehensive safety programs that were launched around 1990 in Japan in terms of its effectiveness in reducing traffic fatalities. Traffic fatalities (hereinafter:"fatalities") in Japan recorded by the National Police Agency (NPA) declined from 11,415 in 1992 to 5,744 in 2007. For this period, comprehensive traffic safety programs were carried out by government agencies, automobile manufacturers, public works agencies and other organizations in Japan. Intermediate targets (e.g., comparison of fatalities before and after improvement amendment of The Road Traffic Law), driver's risk recognition speed, rates of seat belt use, road infrastructure improvements are adopted as performance indicators. We estimated the effect of each countermeasure on the number of fatalities respectively. The comprehensive nationwide traffic safety program was shown to be highly effective in reducing traffic fatalities in Japan.